Friday, January 29, 2010



All these hosting plans have different pros and cons, so you’ll need to consider your priorities carefully before you make a decision to go with any of the web hosts mentioned here.

If you’re looking to deploy power-hungry applications on your dedicated server, then you may need to go with a web host with either a Quad or Xeon processor specification, such as HostDime, HostGator, Hostway, and LunarPages. If you need to install a multitude of applications requiring plenty of hard drive storage space, then 1&1, ResellersPanel, or HostGator may be the optimal choices, since the cumulative storage space offered by these web hosts is 800GB, 640GB, and 500GB respectively.

If you think that your storage requirements may increase dramatically over the course of time, then you may need to choose a web host that offers flexible hard drive upgrade options without requiring a plan upgrade. Hostway seems to be the smart choice in that case, since it offers a maximum upgrade of 2000GB for an extra $70 per month. If you'll need to perform frequent backups, you may want to choose either 1&1 or Hostway, since both these web hosts not only offer dual hard drives but also have RAID 1 included in their plans.

If you’re looking for more RAM at no additional cost, 1&1, HostGator, and ServePath appear to be the right choices. In terms of the maximum amount of available RAM, Hostway seems to be the way to go, since it has a maximum RAM upgrade offering of 16GB. However, it's worth noting that the extra RAM comes at an extra cost of $140 per month.

If your web site receives plenty of traffic, your primary concern may be the total monthly data transfer included in the plan. In that case, you may want to choose either LiquidWeb or 1&1, both of which have huge data transfer offerings of 6000GB and 3000GB respectively. LiquidWeb also appears to be a good choice if your main concern is the total number of included IP addresses: the web host offers 16 IP addresses in its plan at no extra cost. Furthermore, additional IP addresses may be obtained at a cost of $0.50 per month each, which is the lowest price charged by any of the reviewed web hosts.

If you have a preference for a specific operating system, HostDime, Hostway, and ServePath might have an edge as they offer the greatest diversity of systems. CPanel and Plesk are two widely used control panels, so if you prefer to use one of these, LiquidWeb or HostDime may be suitable for you, as they offer these control panels at the relatively low costs of $20 and $30 per month, respectively.

If you're concerned about FTP backup quotas, 1&1 or Hostway may be given preference, since they offer FTP backup quotas of 200GB and 50GB, respectively, at no extra cost. If you have an ecommerce web site, you may prefer to go with a host that includes an SSL certificate in its plan. Of all the hosts I reviewed, 1&1, LunarPages, and ServePath are the only ones that include this functionality at no added cost.

If you’re looking to try out the service before deciding to stay with the web host, you may want to go with one that offers a money-back guarantee. Four of the reviewed hosts offer a 30-day money-back guarantee: Hostway, InMotion, LunarPages, and NetHosting. In terms of the total amount of savings available per year, HostGator, LiquidWeb, and Hostway are the top three web hosts, with total savings of $525, $480, and $438 respectively. From the point of view of cost-effectiveness, LiquidWeb, 1&1, and ServePath appear to be the best choices, though 1&1—along with Nethosting—is one of the only hosts to charge a fee for setting up the server.

1&1 | HostDime | HostGator | InMotion | NetHosting | ServePath | ResellersPanel | LunarPages | LiquidWeb | Hostway | Conclusion

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